Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Dutchman's Gold

Please discuss your impression of the Dutchman's Gold Activity.


Anonymous said...

I found the Dutchman's Gold activity to be very fun and exciting, as it was much like a game. You had to plan and think ahead, and trivialites turned out to be very important to your overall experience in the end. I also learned to work witih a team and to share with other teams, because everyone's success can be crucial to your own, more often than not.

chris feghali

Anonymous said...

I thought this activity was fun and exciting. It really made you think and notice how important it is to communicate.

Anonymous said...

I thought this activity was fun and exciting because it tested us on our teamwork and communication skills.

Anonymous said...

I found from the Ducthman's Gold Activity that clarification is needed when working in groups. The team was the whole group which was not specified and so each team tried to compete with each other instead of having a overall goal of cooperation.

Anonymous said...

I really enjoyed the Dutchmans's Gold activity because it was a lot of fun and I learned a lot. It gave me a better understanding about using the resources around me and being able to help other groups that may be in need of some advice. I thought it was a lot of fun and I really enjoyed getting to work in groups and plan the strategy that we would use. I feel that Meredith did a really good job teaching us about lending helping hands to others and giving assistance!!

Kylie Barnhart

Anonymous said...

This activity was a lot of fun. It taught me a lot about the importance of communication and keeping track of and using my resources well. It taught and showed me the need and importance of teamwork too. It was great.

Anonymous said...

The dutchman's gold activity was very fun,without knowing what we were clearly doing our competivie sides all came out. Competition can be fun and in this case it was. I enjoyed the way different parts of the game symbolized different things.I now wil have more respect for other teams and will end up sharing more in team related activites.
Justine Lane

Anonymous said...

I enjoyed playing this game and it made me realize how important asking for help can be. It also tested our skills in decision making and communication.
-anne marie

Anonymous said...

The Dutchman's Gold game was not just fun but it also helped to teacha lesson. The lesson was that teamwork and planning help to finish a task much faster and fully than just quickly trying to finish something. Without the teamwork my team would not have been able to finish teh mission. Everyone put in ideas and every single idea helped us to accomplish our goal.

Nathan Vehse

Anonymous said...

I really liked this activity. It was fun and I learned that you should pay attention to dirrections and to use the resources I have. It was fun and a great learning experience. I really liked it!


Anonymous said...

Thanks for writing this.