Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Volunteer Oportunities in Your School

Are there volunteer opportunities within your school? If you already participate, what do you do? If not, what would you like to do?


Anonymous said...

There are volunteer opportunities in my school. Some of them you don't hear about so it's not always easy to participate if you're not in that group, but I try to participate as much as possible.

Anonymous said...

There are many volunteer oportunites in my school. I like to help out with a lot of them, and they can be really very fun and rewarding. I would like to spend some time at a hospital or a homeless shelter one day.

Anonymous said...

There are some volunteering opportunities in my school. One of the opportunities that I participate in is playing the music for the masses that my school hosts.
-anne marie

Anonymous said...

I dont think there are many volunteer oppurtunities within my school,i would love to participate in any organization. I think it would make me feel like i was making a difference,and thats what i want to do.
justine lane

Anonymous said...

I don't think there are many volunteering opportunities in my school. I would like to be able to go to the homeless shelter as a school group one day. I maybe would even like to help out at one of the food pantries in my area.

Kylie Barnhart

Anonymous said...

There are many ways available to serve. I serve in some of them such as volunteering for the sports games by taking admissions or by helping with the concessions.
Matt Ahern

Anonymous said...

There are no volunteering programs in my school that i know of.I would like to go to the barlett house and help them with stuff they need help with.

Anonymous said...

There are volunteer opportunities in my school. One of the things I participate in is playing my flute in the liturgies and masses my school has.


Anonymous said...

I don't think there are any volunteering projects at my school but as a leader I could go to one of my teachers or princible and ask them if maybe we could go to a homless shelter and volunteer.


Anonymous said...

There are many volunteer options in my school. You could help a janator take out the trash or clean up the school.
You could also sweep and mop the flours. Through the school you could do recycling, help homeless shelters, cook food in the cafeteria, and just pick up stuff in the hallways.

Nathan Vehse