Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Importance of Volunteering

How important did you feel volunteering was before today? How important do you see volunteering now?


Anonymous said...

Before I thought that there are a lot of people in this world so if really wouldn't make a difference if I volunteered or not, but I know that one person can make a huge difference.

Anonymous said...

i knew volunteering was important before today and i see it the same way now. its one of the greatest ways to help people,more people should volunteer.
justine lane

Anonymous said...

I have volunteered before so I realized that it was imporatant to do. I definitely see volunteering as more important though because the condition of the sleeping areas for the homeless was severly rundown.
-anne marie

Anonymous said...

Before today, I felt that volunteering was very important to the structure of many organizations. Now I am even more poistive that volunteering is crucial to the needs of charitable organizations, such as the Bartlett House.

chris feghali

Anonymous said...

I have always seen volunteering as a key way of helping those who need the service of others. It has vital role in helping the homeless and those who cannot find work. I hope to take part in volunteering more in the future.
Mattern Ah

Anonymous said...

I felt very important when we were volunteering today.I think volunteering is very import ant because we were able to do stuff that helped people.

Anonymous said...

Before today I knew that volunteering was important but now I feel that it is more important. I saw how some of the people live and I really would like to help them. I hope that I can sometime go and help them out!

Kylie Barnhart

Anonymous said...

I always thought that volunteering was very important. It is a great way to show how much you care for others less fortunate than you by helping out. I volunteer already and it is greatly needed.

Anonymous said...

I always thought that volunteering was very important. It is a great way to show how much you care for others less fortunate than you by helping out. I volunteer already and it is greatly needed.


Anonymous said...

Volunteering is very important. It gives people a chance to learn about caring and sharing . It also helps people learn that others care about what happens to people and things. Volunteering cna give a person something very special.

Nathan Vehse