Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Overall Opinion and Suggestions?

What is your overall opinion of Leadership 2006 Day Two? What are some suggestions you have for future Leadership Workshops?


Anonymous said...

I think that Leadership 2006 Day Two was fun. I think it thought me a lot about how important communication. For the future Leadership Workshops I suggest to have fun.

Anonymous said...

I thought Leadership 2006 was a very productive and informing experience. I am very glad that I had the opportunity to participate in this program, and I would definitely recommend it to my family and friends.

chris feghali

Anonymous said...

Leadership 2006 day two was effective in educating me about more leadership skills. I think the day was fun, especially the gold mine game.
-anne marie

Anonymous said...

Leadership 2006 day two was effective in educating me about more leadership skills. I think the day was fun, especially the gold mine game.
-anne marie

Anonymous said...

I really enjoyed the second day of leadership 2006. I learned a lot with the gold finding activity and going to the Bartlett House. I think next time you should do the gold finding activity and other activities like it! It was so much fun and I would do it again, anytime.

Kylie Barnhart

Anonymous said...

This leadership camp has given me a chance to examine my style of leading and make reparations where necessary. I feel the activities we did we very insightful and gave me a new perspective on groups and how to work well in them when either leading or following.
Matt Ahern

Anonymous said...

I think that Leadership 2006 Day Two was very helpful and informative. I learned a lot more about the importance of leadership skills and how and when to use them. I am very glad I got to take part in this program and I learned a lot from it. I enjoyed the game we played and in general had a lot of fun.


Anonymous said...

My over all opinion of the leadership 2006 day two was that it was a lot of fun and i would do it again if i had the chance to.Some suggestions i have is to play some more games that deal with leadership and other stuff.

Anonymous said...

Leadership Day 2 taught me more skills on leadership exactly,which is exactly what i wanted to learn. I especially liked how the ducthmen's gold game used symobolism such as the spare tire,it wasnt needed but it was there,they were showing us that we dont always need those spare tires in our life,and that really stuck out in my mind.
justine lane

Anonymous said...

Overall I loved my experiences of Leadership Program 2006. It has been so much fun, and I will definatly take away a lot of information. I will be a better leader, in the activities I will persue in the future. I will take away a great experience, and a lot of new leadership skills. I know I will be more confident, outgoing, and not afraid to speak my ideas, and opinions. So in conclusion It was a wonderful oppurtunity, and I had a lot of fun. I am glad I got to come and learn how to be a better leader! i know when I go back to my school I will be a better leader, and influence the other kids to be a leader too!

Anonymous said...

Overall I loved my experiences of Leadership Program 2006. It has been so much fun, and I will definatly take away a lot of information. I will be a better leader, in the activities I will persue in the future. I will take away a great experience, and a lot of new leadership skills. I know I will be more confident, outgoing, and not afraid to speak my ideas, and opinions. So in conclusion It was a wonderful oppurtunity, and I had a lot of fun. I am glad I got to come and learn how to be a better leader! i know when I go back to my school I will be a better leader, and influence the other kids to be a leader too!

Sarah :>)

Anonymous said...

My opinion of Leadership 2006 is very high. I think that this is a very useful program that has great teachers and staff. This program has taught me a ton of stuff and im still learning from it. This was a very fun program that didnt just teach me about leadership and let me us it in situations this program let me meet new people and learn about them. I would definately come back if I could. The only thing that i could suggest to fix about this program is that it would be cool if more of this stuff was done outside but it was very fun and i enjoyed it greatly.

Nathan Vehse